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Dynamic Reference Works

This project is a review of online resource citation in scientific writing. In addition, the bibliography of such subjects.

About Dynamic Reference

See introduction paper of Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

  • Allen, Colin, Uri Nodelman, and Edward N. Zalta. “The stanford encyclopedia of philosophy: A developed dynamic reference work.” Metaphilosophy 33.1‐2 (2002): 210-228.

Reliability of Reference

  • Färber, M., Jatowt, A. Citation recommendation: approaches and datasets. Int J Digit Libr 21, 375–405 (2020).
  • Bainbridge, D., Twidale, M.B. & Nichols, D.M. Interactive context-aware user-driven metadata correction in digital libraries . Int J Digit Libr 13, 17–32 (2012).
  • Griffin, S. Introduction to the special issue on digital scholarship. Int J Digit Libr 16, 1–2 (2015).
  • González Pinto, J.M., Balke, WT. Assessing plausibility of scientific claims to support high-quality content in digital collections. Int J Digit Libr 21, 47–60 (2020).
  • Griffin, S. Introduction to the special issue on digital scholarship. Int J Digit Libr 16, 1–2 (2015).
  • González Pinto, J.M., Balke, WT. Assessing plausibility of scientific claims to support high-quality content in digital collections. Int J Digit Libr 21, 47–60 (2020).
  • Bruce Alberts, Brooks Hanson and Katrina L. Kelner, Reviewing Peer Review, Science, Jul 2008, Vol 321, Issue 5885, p. 15, DOI: 10.1126/science.1162115

What digital resources adopted in academic fields?

In present, most of the journal and publishers are offering online resources and papers. The “digital resource” means its 1st production and distribution are conducted on internet and they are dynamically updated by time flowing. The online journal and books are not included in the digital resource. They keeps their contents of each with own identifiers by each changes.

  • NIST Digital library of Mathematical functions
  • Wolfram Math World
  • Encyclopedia of Mathematics
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • AIC Wiki

About Wikipedia

The fun fact is that Wikipedia is not considered as reliable source in academic field, even their tools, Mediawiki and their digial resources, are actively adopted in academic digital source services, such as Encyclopedia of Mathematics or AIC Wiki.

It is not a weird because “science” is a system of stacking and expanding knowledge. The key factor is how each resource services generate knowledges.

  • Serrano-López, A.E., Ingwersen, P. & Sanz-Casado, E. Wind power research in Wikipedia: Does Wikipedia demonstrate direct influence of research publications and can it be used as adequate source in research evaluation?. Scientometrics 112, 1471–1488 (2017).
  • Polk, T., Johnston, M.P. & Evers, S. Wikipedia Use in Research: Perceptions in Secondary Schools. TECHTRENDS TECH TRENDS 59, 92–102 (2015).
  • Aibar, E., Lladós-Masllorens, J., Meseguer-Artola, A., Minguillón, J., & Lerga, M. (2015). Wikipedia at university: what faculty think and do about it. The Electronic Library, 33(4), 668–683. doi:10.1108/el-12-2013-0217

Papers Review

Färber, M., Jatowt, A. Citation recommendation: approaches and datasets. Int J Digit Libr 21, 375–405 (2020).

Theory and Model implementation about ciation suggestion routine implementation in digital library.

Most notably all claims wirtten by the author need to be backed up inorder to ensure transparency, reliability and truthfulness. in order to help the reader to properly understand the text and to give attribution ot the corresponding publications and authos.

An annotation scheme for citation function Simone Teufel Advaith Siddharthan Dan Tidhar

Citations play a central role in the process of writing a paper. Swales (1990) argues that scientific writing follows a general rhetorical argumentation structure: researchers must justify that their paper makes a con- tribution to the knowledge in their discipline. Several argumentation steps are required to make this justifica- tion work, e.g., the statement of their specific goal in the paper (Myers, 1992). Importantly, the authors also must relate their current work to previous research, and acknowledge previous knowledge claims; this is done with a formal citation, and with language connecting the citation to the argument, e.g., statements of usage of other people’s approaches (often near textual segments in the paper where these approaches are described), and statements of contrast with them (particularly in the discussion or related work sections). We argue that the automatic recognition of citation function is interest- ing for two reasons: a) it serves to build better citation indexers and b) in the long run, it will help constrain interpretations of the overall argumentative structure of a scientific paper.

  • John Swales, 1990. Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Chapter 7: Research articles in English, pages 110–176. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
  • reg Myers. 1992. In this paper we report…—speech acts and scientific facts. Journal of Pragmatics, 17(4):295–313.

Wolfram MathWorld

Editor: Eric W. Weisstein All materials except few articles from contributors are written by him.

Page contents:

Author, Reference, Citation information.

Typo, New articles:

Using suggestion form to send a message to editor team.

Note: It doesn’t provides access date for citation. It is because this page managed by editor team who are experts of mathematics discilpine. NIST Hand Book also reference this resource


Eiditors Board exists:

All materials are written by Chpater Authors and checked by Editors.

Feedback of correctness: Using e-mail notification for maintain team


Eiditors Board exists:

Articles in EoM should contain substantial encyclopedic content, which satisfies the following requirements:

verifiability (references for statements should be given, possibly with links)

The editorial board, under the management of the European Mathematical Society, monitors any changes of articles and has full scientific authority over alterations and deletions.

Table of contents