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Open Textbook Library

MIT Press Open

MIT OCW Online Textbooks

Cambridge University Press Open

American Institute of Mathematics


Open Textvook Collections


AuthorTitlePubliserPublish Year
Victor ShoupA Computational Introduction to Number Theory and AlgebraCambridge University Press2008
Richard HammackBOOK OF PROOF 2018
Thomas W. Judson, Robert A. BeezerAbstract Algebra: Theory and ApplicationsUniversity of Puget Sound2021
 NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions  

See online mathematics textbooks for further books.


David Tong’s lecture series

Dr. Tong is a theoretical physicist at Cambridge university. He opened all lecture materials and problems on his site.

List of open materials by David Tong.

  • Classical Mechanics
  • Electromagnetism
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Condensed Matter
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Statistical Physics
  • Gravitation and Cosmology
  • Quantum Field Theory
  • Supersymmetry and String Theory

Classic Physics

AuthorTitlePubliserPublish Year
Cerald Jau Sussman and Jack WisdomStructure and Interpretation of Classical MechanicsMIT Press 


AuthorTitlePubliserPublish Year
Barbara RydenStructure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics 2006

Quantum computer and information

AuthorTitlePubliserPublish YearLink
Andy Matuschak & Michael NielsenQuantum computing for the very curious   
Qsikit Textbook   

Computer Science

AuthorTitlePubliserPublish YearLink
Michael NielsenNeural Networks and Deep Learning   
Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron CourvilleDeep LearningMIT Press2016 
Kevin Patrick MurphyMachine Learning: A Probabilistic PerspectiveMIT Press2012 
Kevin Patrick MurphyProbabilistic Machine Learning: An IntroductionMIT Press2021 
Kevin Patrick MurphyProbabilistic Machine Learning: Advanced TopicsMIT Press2022 
Florian JatonThe Constitution of Algorithms: Ground-Truthing, Programming, FormulatingMIT Press2021 
Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh and Ameet TalwalkarFoundations of Machine Learning, Second EditionMIT Press  
Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. BartoReinforcement Learning, Second EditionMIT Press  
Divakar ViswanathScientific Programming and Computer ArchitectureMIT Press  
Jurg Nievergelt, ETH Zurich Klaus HinrichsAlgorithms and Data Structures With Applications to Graphics and GeometryGlobal Text Project  
Barthe, G., Katoen, J., & Silva, A. (Eds.).Foundations of Probabilistic ProgrammingCambridge University Press2020 
Rubel, A., Castro, C., & Pham, A.Algorithms and Autonomy: The Ethics of Automated Decision SystemsCambridge University Press2021 

Tools and General Science

|Author|Title|Publiser|Publish Year|Link| |:–:|:–|:–:|:–:|:–:| |Lie, K| An Introduction to Reservoir Simulation Using MATLAB/GNU Octave: User Guide for the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST)|Cambridge University Press|2019| |Jansen, R|Leading your Research Team in Science|Cambridge University Press|2018|


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Quantum Informatics and Computing